Inhaling the memory of
Smirked summer 
I remember
How naively I accepted slavery
To sleep yesteryear

I cupped my malar 
With fingers tender
Didn't dance to the rain
Only to realise later
 we don't get chances so often

The desires or
Better referred
agiled through my body
Just to wane me faster

Now I walk past an expanse 
Of few meters
expecting bounty
Earlier through the harsh roads
I merrily suffered, 
With the forethought of plenty

The road never ended
And here I am 
All tired, realised 
How I wasted all my years
In the pursuit of nothing 
All my wishes battered

Remorse running in my sleeves
Dandelions crashing choir
Gaily yet cold heartedly
I pretend and play parts
But none mine

more my heart aches 
More I put the stones of melancholy
On the ruins of my youth
I play my favorite memory



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